3.9.2016 -Meet Scarlett

It’s been a little quiet on the blog – and if you follow along you might guess it is because we finally welcomed baby #3 into our family – a month ago now! (Yea, I’m really behind on the blog!!)

This is the first baby that has waited for everything to align and come when she was “scheduled” – no  “full moon babies,” no “lets hurry and come before Daddy gets here babies” and no snow storm babies!  Everything went as planned – we were scheduled for a c-section delivery on the morning of February 9, and our little one decided to go along with the plan.

We arrived at the hospital at 8 that morning to begin the prep for the surgery, scheduled at 10.  Jake took one last belly shot of me 🙂


Everything was really calm and easy going – something I never had with the other two girls – one who was an emergency and the other who came a few days before her scheduled date.  After everything was all set and I was ready, I walked into the OR right at 10 along with the nurse, and sat on the table for my spinal.

The spinal ended up being the worst part of my entire delivery.  Due to having scoliosis and apparently during the pregnancy my spine also curved a little inward due to the weight I was carrying, the spinal took a long time to find the right entry point.  It took nearly 40 minutes to get it in 😦  Needles are a big anxiety point for me, so it was pretty stressful, not to mention that when I had my second daughter they hit the wrong spot when putting the spinal in so my anxiety was really high.  I remember sitting there holding a nurses hand and having sweat drip down me because I had so much anxiety waiting for her to poke, poking, and poking again.

Finally it was in and it went pretty quick after that.  The surgeon and my OB came in (my OB is also the baby’s doctor), and they started the surgery, and Jake was walked into the room.  He held my hand as they started the surgery.

My OB was SO WONDERFUL during the time I saw her (since we got back to the states) and I had talked to her about a couple things I wanted to try/do during the surgery.  One was having a clear drape up so I could actually watch the baby be born – I will never be able to have a baby naturally, and my other two I never got to see.  She agreed this could be done and I can’t even begin to describe what an AWESOME experience this was for me – and I will assume for Jake too, as he was sitting right by my head.  We watched our baby come out and the anesthesiologist yelled from behind me ITS A BOY.  … And then the surgeon goes, “I think you need an anatomy class, because ITS A GIRL!”  Ha ha.


So there she was.  Our beautiful little girl, whom we named Scarlett Mina.  Scarlett had always been a name we had contemplated for a girl for years, and we found it fitting this time around since baby’s actual due date was 2/14.  Mina was on the short list since we were still living in the Netherlands.  I found the name and kind of fell in love with it – I thought it sounded beautiful, and was short for a common name – Wilhelmina – and was also the name of the first street we lived on when we moved there.  BUT, in many languages, the name Mina also means LOVE – what a perfect name for our perfect blessing due on Valentines!

Here we are with our beautiful little princess, just minutes after she was born!


That night my sister in law brought our older two to meet their new sister.  They were thrilled to finally meet her!!!  Our oldest had insisted it would be a girl (we call her a baby whisperer, as she seems to be very good at guessing the gender of people’s babies) and she was right!


We are over the moon in love with our new little girl.  Of course we’ve gone through the first month “bumps” of getting feeding down right, gaining weight, and learning to sleep more at night time (I just thought the first couple weeks she wanted to catch up on her Netflix from 1-4 AM 😉 )

We even survived the two weeks when Jake had to go back on his hitch on the rig, leaving when Scarlett was exactly 1 week old.  I am so thankful that we are now by family that were here to help me with juggling my older two, getting the oldest to the bus, school pickup at night time, and even bath time at night.  I even got a few quiet afternoons where me and Scarlett could catch up on some naps from our late night Netflix binge watching 😛

So all in all we are doing great.  Everyone said adding a third is a bigger transition than adding a second, but it seems as though we are just going with the flow and everything seems to be working out.  I have healed better this time than all my other surgeries (probably because I’ve been able to rest more!)

Hopefully now as she gets a little older each day, Scarlett will help me keep up with the blog a little bit more (she is in the Moby wrap now!).  I’m also starting up my photography business here this spring – I already have all my registration done with the state and I’m excited to see what that will bring 🙂

Now I guess it is time I need to update my blog photo header – stay at home Mommy to THREE little girls ❤



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